
Managing Multiple Businesses as a Swiss Freelancer: A Guide for Swiss Freelancers.


Variety is the spice of life, and for many freelancers in Switzerland, that variety comes in the form of managing multiple businesses. Whether you're a writer with a side gig as a web designer, a consultant who also runs an e-commerce store, or any other combination of entrepreneurial pursuits, juggling multiple ventures can be both rewarding and challenging.

On one hand, having diverse income streams provides financial stability and allows you to explore various passions. On the other hand, it also means dealing with additional complexity in terms of structure, accounting, taxes and time management. Fear not though - with some smart strategies and handy tools, you can efficiently run your freelance empire while staying sane and successful.

In this guide, we'll dive into the key considerations for Swiss freelancers managing multiple businesses. From choosing the right legal structure to streamlining your finances and optimizing your time, you'll learn how to create a solid foundation for your ventures and keep all the balls in the air with finesse.

Let's get started!

Setting Up Your Businesses

The first step in managing multiple freelance businesses is deciding how to structure them legally. This is important not only for compliance with Swiss regulations, but also for liability protection, taxes, and your own peace of mind. Here are the main options to consider:

  • Sole proprietorship: The simplest structure where you and the business are legally the same entity. Easy to set up, but offers no personal liability protection.

  • General partnership: An unincorporated business with two or more owners. Partners share profits, losses and management duties, as well as unlimited personal liability.

  • Limited partnership: Consists of general partners who manage the business and limited partners who invest money but have limited liability and control.

  • LLC or corporation: Incorporated entities that provide personal asset protection and allow for special tax treatment, but require more setup formalities and fees.

The best choice depends on factors like the nature of your businesses, your growth plans, and your risk tolerance. Many freelancers start out as sole proprietors for simplicity, then transition to an LLC or corporation as their businesses grow and their needs change. You can also choose to put some ventures under one structure (e.g. an LLC for your main business), and operate others as sole proprietorships.

Whichever structure you choose, you'll need to register each business accordingly. This typically involves:

You'll also want to decide whether to operate your businesses under one unified brand or keep them separate. There's no right or wrong approach - it depends on your strategy and target markets. Some freelancers find it beneficial to present a cohesive brand identity across their ventures, while others prefer to keep them distinct. The key is to be intentional about your branding and ensure consistency within each business.

Accounting & Taxes

Once your businesses are set up, it's crucial to implement good accounting practices from the get-go. Not only is this necessary for tax compliance, but it also gives you valuable insights into the financial health of each venture. Here are some key accounting considerations:

  • Separate accounts: Use separate bank accounts and credit cards for each business to avoid commingling funds. This makes it easier to track income and expenses, and can help you take advantage of tax deductions.

  • Bookkeeping: Decide whether you'll handle the bookkeeping yourself or outsource it to a professional. If doing it yourself, choose accounting software that suits your needs and learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping. Popular options for Swiss businesses include Bexio, Banana Accounting and QuickBooks.

  • Tax: As a freelancer, you'll need to pay income tax, VAT (if applicable), and social security contributions like AVS/AI/APG. Keep track of deadlines and set aside money for taxes as you go. Consider working with a tax professional who can help you optimize your deductions and ensure compliance.

  • Writeoffs: Understand what business expenses you can write off for tax purposes. Common deductions include home office costs, equipment, software, travel, and marketing expenses. Keep detailed records and receipts to support your claims.

  • Tax returns: Depending on your business structure and turnover, you may need to file quarterly or yearly tax returns. If you have multiple businesses, you'll need to report the income and expenses for each one separately. However, if they are all under the same structure (e.g. a single LLC), you may be able to file a consolidated return.

Here's a comparison of some key accounting and tax considerations for different business structures:

Structure Separate Accounting Tax Treatment Tax returns
Sole proprietorship Recommended Personal tax rates Filed with personal return
Partnership Required Pass-through taxation Filed with personal returns of each partner
LLC Required Corporate or pass-through taxation Separate or consolidated business return
Corporation Required Corporate taxation Separate business return

The bottom line? Stay on top of your accounting and taxes from the start, and don't be afraid to seek professional help when needed. It may seem like a hassle, but trust me - future you will thank you for it.

Streamlining Financial Management

In addition to staying tax compliant, efficient financial management is key to running multiple businesses successfully. Here are some strategies to streamline your processes:

  • Standardize: Develop standardized invoice templates, expense categories, and filing systems for all your businesses. This saves time and ensures consistency, making it easier to stay organized and compare performance across ventures.

  • Automate: Use technology to automate repetitive financial tasks. For example, you can use invoicing software like Bexio or Wave to automatically send invoices, track payments, and sync with your accounting system. Expense management apps like Expensify or Receipt Bank can help you digitize and categorize receipts on the go.

  • Consolidate: Where possible, consolidate your banking and merchant services across businesses. This can help you negotiate better rates, reduce fees, and simplify your financial tracking. Look for banks that offer free or low-cost business accounts and integrated payment processing.

  • Review regularly: Schedule regular financial reviews for each business. This could be monthly, quarterly, or whatever cadence makes sense for your venture. Use this time to reconcile your accounts, analyze your profit and loss, project your cash flow, and estimate your tax liability. Regular reviews help you catch errors, spot trends, and make informed decisions.

By implementing these practices consistently, you'll create a well-oiled financial machine that supports the growth and profitability of your freelance empire.

Generating Financial Reports

Reviewing your finances is one thing - but to really understand the performance of each business, you need to generate key financial reports. These reports not only help you make strategic decisions, but are also often required for tax purposes, loan applications, and investor communications.

The three main financial statements to generate for each business are:

  1. Profit and Loss (P&L) or Income Statement: Shows your revenue, expenses and net profit over a specific period. This helps you understand your profitability and identify areas for cost optimization.

  2. Balance Sheet: Provides a snapshot of your assets, liabilities and equity at a point in time. This helps you assess your financial position and plan for future investments or financing needs.

  3. Cash Flow Statement: Tracks the inflows and outflows of cash during a period. This helps you manage your liquidity and ensure you have enough cash on hand to meet your obligations.

In addition to these core statements, you may also want to generate reports like:

  • Accounts Receivable Aging: Shows outstanding invoices and how long they've been overdue. This helps you manage collections and identify potential cash flow issues.

  • Accounts Payable Aging: Shows outstanding bills and when they are due. This helps you manage payments and avoid late fees or damage to your credit.

  • Sales by Product/Service: Breaks down your revenue by offering. This helps you identify your most profitable products or services and make informed pricing and promotion decisions.

To make your reports as useful as possible, consider customizing them with relevant metrics, industry benchmarks, and performance goals for each venture. For example, if you run a freelance consulting business, you may track utilization rate (billable hours / total hours) as a key performance indicator (KPI). If you have an e-commerce store, you may benchmark your conversion rate or average order value against industry averages.

The key is to generate reports regularly, review them thoroughly, and use the insights to inform your business strategies. Are sales trending down in one business? Maybe it's time to ramp up your marketing efforts. Is your cash flow consistently negative? Perhaps you need to renegotiate payment terms with clients or suppliers. By staying on top of your numbers, you can make proactive decisions to optimize the performance of each venture.

Time Management Strategies

Of course, running multiple businesses isn't just about managing money - it's also about managing your most precious resource: time. When you're constantly switching between different hats and plates, it's easy to get overwhelmed, distracted, or burnt out. That's why having solid time management strategies is essential for multi-business freelancers.

Here are some tips to maximize your productivity across ventures:

  • Prioritize ruthlessly: Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Focus on high-impact activities that move the needle for each business, and delegate or eliminate low-value tasks.

  • Batch similar tasks: Group related tasks together and complete them in dedicated blocks of time. For example, batch all your invoicing tasks on Monday mornings, or schedule all your client calls on Tuesday afternoons. This minimizes context switching and helps you build momentum.

  • Use time blocking: Allocate specific chunks of time for each business or project in your calendar. Be realistic about how long tasks will take, and build in buffer time for unexpected issues. Stick to your schedule as much as possible, while still allowing some flexibility.

  • Leverage productivity techniques: Experiment with productivity methods like the Pomodoro Technique (working in 25-minute intervals with short breaks), or the 80/20 rule (focusing on the 20% of tasks that generate 80% of results). Find what works best for your working style and preferences.

  • Automate and outsource: Look for opportunities to automate repetitive tasks using tools like Zapier or IFTTT. Consider outsourcing tasks that are outside your zone of genius or that don't require your personal touch. This could include things like bookkeeping, social media management, or customer service.

  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time, and between your different businesses. This might mean setting specific work hours, creating separate workspaces, or using different devices for each venture. Communicate your boundaries to clients and colleagues, and stick to them to avoid burnout.

  • Take breaks: It might seem counterintuitive, but taking regular breaks can actually boost your productivity. Use techniques like the Pomodoro method to build in short breaks throughout your workday, and schedule longer breaks or vacations to recharge your batteries. Stepping away from work can give you fresh perspective and creative energy.

Managing your time effectively across multiple businesses is an ongoing process of experimentation, iteration, and optimization. Keep track of how you're spending your time, assess your progress regularly, and adjust your strategies as needed. And don't forget to celebrate your wins along the way - running multiple successful ventures is no small feat!


Managing multiple businesses as a Swiss freelancer is both an art and a science. It requires creativity, strategic thinking, and a willingness to constantly adapt and improve. By implementing the strategies and best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to building a thriving freelance portfolio.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to managing multiple ventures. What works for one freelancer might not work for another. The key is to experiment with different tools, techniques and routines until you find a system that fits your unique working style and business needs.

As you navigate the challenges and rewards of the multi-business freelance life, here are a few final tips to keep in mind:

  • Regularly review and adjust your strategies based on your businesses' performance and your own capacity. What worked well last year might not be the best approach this year.

  • Stay open to new tools and technologies that can help you work smarter, not harder. The world of productivity apps and automation platforms is constantly evolving, so keep an eye out for solutions that can streamline your processes.

  • Don't be afraid to seek support when you need it. Connect with other multi-business freelancers in your network, join relevant online communities, and consider working with mentors or coaches who can provide guidance and accountability.

  • Above all, remember the reason you started down this path: the freedom, flexibility and fulfillment that comes from running your own businesses. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and celebrate the unique lifestyle and impact you're creating.

With the right mindset, strategies and tools, you can turn your freelance side hustles into a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem. Here's to your success as a multi-business maven!

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