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Maximum working hours in Switzerland

Learn the legal work hour limits in Switzerland and how to manage them as a freelancer.


Freelancing in Switzerland offers freedom, flexibility, and the chance to be your own boss. But with great freedom comes great responsibility — particularly when it comes to managing your work hours. Between client projects, administrative tasks, and, let’s face it, some unexpected "crisis hours," managing time effectively is key. Add in Swiss labor laws, and freelancing can get a little more complex.

So, how can you work smarter while staying within Swiss regulations? We’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about work hours as a freelancer in Switzerland and how to avoid burnout — all while staying compliant with labor laws.

Let’s get into it.

The Swiss Freelancer’s Guide to Work Hour Regulations

Switzerland is serious about protecting workers — whether they’re in traditional employment or freelancers. As a freelancer, you might think you can set your own hours without a care in the world, but that’s not entirely true. Swiss labor laws, specifically the "Höchstarbeitszeit" (maximum work hours), still apply to you, and it’s essential to understand how they impact your business.

What is "Höchstarbeitszeit" (Maximum Work Hours)?

The Höchstarbeitszeit sets a weekly limit on how many hours you’re allowed to work. For freelancers and self-employed workers, these limits are generally:

  • 45 hours per week for office work, technical roles, and similar professions.
  • 50 hours per week for manual labor, retail, and other physical roles.

So, whether you’re a software developer, graphic designer, or consultant, you fall under the 45-hour rule. The 50-hour limit tends to apply to those in more hands-on industries like construction, retail, or health services.

What happens if you exceed these hours?

There are consequences — potentially both in terms of your health and compliance. The Swiss government has these limits in place for a reason: to ensure workers don’t overdo it and end up burned out. If you exceed the limits too often, you could also run into trouble with labor authorities.

Staying Productive: Work-Life Balance as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, it’s easy to get caught up in “just one more hour” mentality.
But overworking can have serious consequences.
Let’s face it: you didn’t quit your 9-5 job just to work around the clock, right?
So.. How to Create a Sustainable Work-Life Balance?

Define your work hours

Freelancers often work from home or coworking spaces, so it’s crucial to establish boundaries between “work time” and “me time.” Stick to a schedule to avoid endless workdays.

Set clear expectations with clients

Let clients know when you are available and, more importantly, when you're not. This can prevent late-night requests or weekend interruptions.

Use the right tools to optimise your time

Software like Magic Heidi offer a seamless way to track time and manage your invoices, so you don’t have to waste hours on admin work.

What Happens When You Need to Work Overtime?

Despite your best efforts, there are times when overtime is unavoidable. Big project deadlines, client emergencies, or peak seasons can stretch your hours beyond the standard 45 or 50-hour limit. While Swiss law is quite strict about maximum work hours, there are exceptions for freelancers.

Swiss Labor Law on Overtime

  • Maximum overtime is limited to 140-170 hours per year, depending on your industry. This ensures that extended periods of overwork don’t become the norm.
  • You must be compensated for overtime, either through extra pay or additional time off. While freelancers don’t typically get “overtime pay” in the traditional sense, you should account for this in your pricing or compensation structure.

How to Track Overtime and Stay Compliant

This is where Magic Heidi comes in handy. Its simple time-tracking feature helps freelancers monitor work hours and notice when you’re getting close to the legal limit. You can even use it to build invoicing around your overtime hours, so you’re fairly compensated.

Working Nights and Weekends: What Freelancers Need to Know

As tempting as it might be to work late into the night or squeeze in some hours on a Sunday, Swiss law imposes specific restrictions on working outside of regular business hours.

Night Work (11 p.m. - 6 a.m.)

If you’re a night owl, you’ll need to be cautious. Swiss law requires freelancers to apply for a permit to work night hours, except in certain industries like healthcare or hospitality. Working these hours without the necessary approval could land you in hot water with labor authorities.

Sunday Work

Similarly, working on Sundays is restricted unless you have permission. If your industry requires you to work on Sundays, be sure to check whether your type of work is exempt or whether you need to apply for a permit.

Need help keeping track? Magic Heidi can help you log non-standard work hours and remind you to apply for necessary permits, so you can focus on your work without worrying about legal compliance.

In practice of course, no one can actually check when you work so if you prefer to work at night or on Sundays (to have relaxed time without distractions for example), you can do it.

Maximizing Your Time: How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Swiss labor law might restrict your total work hours, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be super productive within those limits. Working smart is the name of the game — here’s how:

Automate routine tasks

Don’t waste time manually generating invoices or tracking expenses. Let Magic Heidi handle that for you, with features like automated invoicing, AI-powered expense scanning, and seamless syncing across devices.

Time-block your day

Split your workday into focused segments. For example, dedicate two hours in the morning to client work, one hour in the afternoon to admin tasks, and so on.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

Work in short, focused bursts of 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. This keeps your mind fresh and prevents burnout.

With Magic Heidi at your side, you’ll be able to streamline all your freelance operations.

From creating invoices to managing expenses, this tool has everything a Swiss freelancer needs to simplify their work process.

The Magic of Magic Heidi: Your Swiss-Specific Freelance Companion

Freelancers in Switzerland face unique challenges, from legal compliance to the country’s specific financial systems. Magic Heidi is designed with these exact needs in mind, offering:

  • Swiss-specific invoicing: Generate QR-code invoices and add VAT with just a few clicks.
  • Expense tracking: Upload receipts, scan expenses, and view everything in one place.
  • AI-powered features: Save time by automating repetitive tasks, like scanning expenses and tracking payments.
  • Multi-device sync: Manage your finances on the go, whether you’re working from your phone or laptop.

By focusing exclusively on Swiss freelancers, Magic Heidi is the perfect partner for anyone looking to stay compliant and streamline their freelance business.


Freelancing in Switzerland offers a world of opportunity — but only if you manage your time and resources wisely. Staying on top of your hours, following Swiss labor regulations, and avoiding burnout are key to thriving as a freelancer.

Ready to take your freelancing to the next level? Try out Magic Heidi today, and see how simple running a freelance business in Switzerland can be.

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