Expensing made simple

For Swiss freelancers. Don't worry about data entry for your accounting anymore.

Manage your expenses

Keep track of all your expenses in a simple and intuitive interface

Text description generated automatically

Magic Heidi AI will analyse your attachments to understand what the expense is about.

Ordered by date & searchable

Seach for a specific expense easily using our search bar

Full VAT support

Track how much VAT you paid on each expense for the VAT tax return

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AI expense scanner

Our AI will look at your expense and automatically extract the following data

A complete description of the expense

A clear description that will allow you to remember what this expense what about.

The date of the expense

The precise date the expense was created, allowing you to match it with your banking records.

The cost of the expense

The full cost of the expense, including VAT and currency exchange rate if the expense was in another currency than CHF.

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Powered by GPT-4 and AWS

Our smart AI features are provided by best in class artificial intelligence infrastructure providers.

Helpful and effortless

No skills are needed to use our AI expense scanner. Just drop a file and your job is done.

Configured specifically for Swiss freelancers

The currency is automatically converted to Swiss Francs and the generated description clear and precise.

Track your expenses and profits

Keep a clear overview of how much money you spent and how much is left for you.

Track VAT

With VAT enabled, you can see how much VAT you earned and how much you paid.

Taxes and social security payments estimate

To help you manage your budget, we provide you with a simple calculator to estimate how much you need to pay in taxes.

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Ready to get started?

Just drop a PDF or image into the app to use it

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